Friday, 3 May 2013

The Spine of Early Retirement

I'm sure that most of you are familiar with some of the steps you have to take to reach early retirement, but bear with me as I repeat them once again for the benefit those who do not. These steps are not concrete and you can choose to take them or not to attain your early retirement but I believe that paths are similar to these. Only difference being your personal tweaks, luck and mistakes.

Without further ado, here they are:

  • Start as Early as Possible - This applies not only to those seeking early retirement or financial freedom but to everyone. The earlier you start, the more time you have to allow the magic of compound interest to work. What's more, having more time allows for more margin of error. No one is perfect therefore we should always make allowance for mistakes.
  • Manage your Consumption - One of the main reasons why most people are not able to save enough for an early retirement is because they spend to much. We are all wired to consume and many of us can't help it but conform. However, there is this rebel within us that does not want to conform, we want to break free from the norm - these are the people that are able to achieve extremely early retirement. Reduce spending now, stop spending money on too much wants, stick with the needs. You do not need that new hand phone just because it has a battery life of 1/2 an hour more than yours or a screen 1/2 an inch bigger than yours. Remember, you choose your enough, not your neighbor.
  • .Cut down on Excess Spending -  I know it's often hard to form new good habits, but trust me, this will benefit you. For just 1 or 2 months, track every dollar you spend and at the end of the month, you will be able to see where you have been spending unnecessarily. These are the parts of your spending tree that you must prune away. If you feel comfortable keeping track of your expenses by then, you can continue doing so. If not, try to stick to your current monthly expenses less those unnecessary expenses and do a follow up 6 months later to find out your monthly expense status.
  •  Be Frugal - This step is an acquired taste, once you get it, it becomes something you actually enjoy doing. However i urge you to do this is moderation if you are not alone in your journey. Your significant other might not share the same joys as you in being frugal. You have to take baby steps to let them see the benefits of being frugal. What you must do to be frugal is to view money as an extremely precious resource not be to exchanged for something of lesser value. For me, i feel that lesser value means items that bring no benefit or new experiences to your life. Most of the time, these items just bring you momentary satisfaction that last for a month at most. Not worth it.
  • Never Trade Early Retirement for Happiness and Family - This is the last and most important key. You should never trade anything in this world for happiness and your family. What is the point of forsaking your happiness and family to gain early retirement? The point of early retirement is to be able to have time for both. Don't be over obsessed with retiring early that you forgo your current happiness or spend so much time tweaking your spreadsheet or monitoring your portfolio that you neglect your family. You have to set your priorities right.. what is most important in your life. For me, its family, for without them life would be quite meaningless even if u have all the riches in the world.
 I know that everyone will make mistakes as to err is to be human or was it to err is human... Anyway, i hope that on your journey to financial freedom or early retirement, you will make more right choices than mistakes. Ponder upon what is most important in your life, keep it close and never ever trade it for anything this world has to offer.

As always, save more, spend less and invest wisely.

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