Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Dealing with Early Retirement Obsession

There will come a point, no doubt, in every early retirement preppers journey where he/she will become extremely obsessed. (At least i hope that its not just me.)

You will start counting every day and dollar you have to retirement. You will search for every book and blog for every single detail which increases your chance of early retirement. And if you are like me, you will tweak and tweak your early retirement spreadsheet several times a day before you feel at ease. Don't judge me, you will get to this point if you want early retirement bad enough.

The key point is to realize that this is merely a stage that you have to go through and that these are just the means and not the ends of your goal. I have to admit that i am still at this stage, although i feel that I'm exiting it for the next soon.

For those of you who are beginning this stage or are stuck chest deep in this obsession, here are a few pointers to hopefully help you out.

ps if you say you are not obsessed and immediately have to check your spreadsheet or  think of new methods straight after you read my blog...sorry bro.. you are.

To the therapy room ~

  • First of all, like all problems like alcohol or gambling addiction, the most important step is to realize and admit that you are obsessed with early retirement. Only then can you see the full picture. Having this obsession for a short while is okay as it drives you to save more in the early stage. Dragging it out for too long is where this obsession gets unhealthy, not unlike any other obsession.
  • Next, you will have to realize that after the initial stage of planning and savings, the small little obsessive tweaks here and there will at most shave a few days off your retirement. The time spent will not be worth it. You should instead be spending your time with your family. All you have to do is stick to your decided path and only tweak or tinker when you hit a major milestone or feel that your are drifting off your path.
  •  Lastly, pick up as many new skills and hobbies as you can - inexpensive ones of course. There are 2 reasons for this pointer. The first would be that it takes your mind off constantly obsessing about early retirement. The second would be that these skills and hobbies are the things that will keep you occupied and your mind alert when you are finally into retirement.
There it is, my humble advice to you. I really hope it helps, however much or little.

My last parting advice would be to always share your plans, your feelings and even your obsessions with your family or spouse. I know its hard...as a guy to share his feelings..(Gals have no issue in this department..at least my wife doesn't - sometimes i think i should invent pills for verbal diarrhea).

Anyway, sharing will really bond you and take some burden off your shoulders. Remember that you are never truly alone. Family is forever.

As always, save more, spend less and invest wisely.


  1. Since you are so into early retirement, intro you 1 website for more (free) ideas.


  2. Hi there.. yeah I came across that blog too.. can pick up some stuff from there but a lot of the stuff there too extreme for my wife and I. Are you looking into an extreme early retirement?

  3. I think there comes a time in most people's lives that they find the idea of an early retirement enticing. The book "4-hour Work Week" by Tim Feriss a fascinating read for those planning it!

  4. Hi lille, read that book too. . He provides many interesting insights and ideas. However I feel that in Singapore, bosses are more traditional and would would only feel that you are working when they see you work. But besides that the rest of his ideas are pretty fantastic and radical.
